Dear All, If we accept that freedom is the image of God in humans, then we have two issues for the Church to confront; her failures in that area and the forces of enslavement that surround her.
Dear All, The first theme of theological reflection is the existence of God. Whether God exists is the query of 'natural theology' or metaphysics; for theology God is a given. More accurately, God is the giver; everything and everyone else is given.
Dear All, If politics is the art of the possible (someone said so), theology (Christianity in thokught) is the science of the good. This distinction is critical if we are to understand why it is that Christianity seems to be so impractical.
Dear All, The question is: How does it feel to choose God? Last week I had a long and complex answer ready. But the other day, I read a quote from - of all people F. Nietzsche -- that says it all (along with some commentary): "True, we love life, not because we are used to living, but because we are used to loving.