Dear All, Over the last few days I have spent (wasted?) uncountable hours talking about masks! When it comes to pieces of fabric, only the confederate flag draws stronger reactions than does the simple mask!
Dear All, As I ‘write’ this it is both Juneteenth – the anniversary of the publication of the Emancipation Proclamation in Texas, and, so, the final act in the abolition of slavery in the territory of the USofA – and the feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. This conjunction of observances is purely coincidental; or maybe, this year, it is full of meaning ….
Dear All, I said that I wanted to uncover and propose a fifth way in which Christ is present in the Eucharist – over and above in the assembled Body, the priest as representative of the Head, the word proclaimed which leads to the consecration of the Host.
Dear All, The fourth mode of Jesus’ presence at Mass is to be found in another dynamic word – a word that suggests an activity, rather than a static thing whose only aim is to be itself. That word is proclaiming; and specifically proclaiming the Word.