Dear All, I have been much intrigued – and sometimes disturbed – by things I have learned in the course of the study of the history of theology (and, coincidentally, of Western thinking and history generally).
Dear All, I have been much intrigued – and sometimes disturbed – by things I have learned in the course of the study of the history of theology (and, coincidentally, of Western thinking and history generally).
Dear All, In the wake of the collapse of the feudal system, the great political theorists of the Enlightenment recognized and ‘canonized’ as true that freedom from fear of bullying – the rule of law -- can happen only when all the parties to a ‘contract’ surrender the right to be bullies.
Dear All, There is a sharp difference between what is known as homo sapiens and homo technicus. Sapiens asks first and last What is necessary? Technicus asks How can I get what I want? Sapiens studies the universe and studies himself to find the spot of harmony and interactive resonance.
Dear All, Not long ago at all, I was asked to address Prop5, the legislative initiative to turn reproductive freedom into a constitutional right by so enshrining it in the Constitution of the State of Vermont.